Looking Up the Skirts of Power
I have a need to address those of you out there who are trying to find ways to create social/political change. To you I say to just forget it. It's not going to happen. I have been looking up the skirts of power for a long time and I know that not many people in the power structure believe anything they say do in other words the whole thing is far too slippery. The
The set up, by its chaotic emergent nature, is extremely stable and robust and becomes more so every day. Thus when the absurd policies of the Bush administration come to light in the media (after the media did everything it could to put a "good" face on it) it has very little effect on the structure; if anything it strengthens it as yet another layer of cover stories are woven into the quilt of the narrative.
Washington thrives on the willingness of normal everyday people to believe the most astonishing lies and fables about the world. This combination makes revolution or radical change impossible because there are no substantial social movements, like the old Labor movement, that offer alternative communities that mean anything. Online "communities" mean very little since everything is done at a distance and real face-to-face community is avoided (largely to avoid losing your cover story--hey Washington completely reflects our individual and collective psyches) largely to avoid real commitment. All is, except for a small cadre of the half-mad, talk and fundraising to lobby Washington to be part of the Byzantine show. The various anti-establishment "movements" have been discounted or are easily co-opted by the power elite. This is why, rightly, the anti-War "movement" was ignored by the media and the powerful. They said, in effect, so what? Did the movement shut anything down, did it have any teeth? No, it was just an opportunity for people to pose and then go back home and sit in front of the computer or the TV afterwards and move on to some serious shopping and vacation planning.
The Revolution ain't going to happen barring major disasters and, in that case, it will be made by those on the right who at least have the sense to own guns.
As I've said many times, it is now time to practice truth and being in the present. This comes through a fearless look at the truth of our own nature and being and the discipline to keep looking. From that fundamental stance strength both personal and collective will emerge and society will change dramatically and easily like a cool wind off the Ocean after a scorching summer day.
I see the truth in the argument you put forth christopher yet I need to believe that the kind of horror produced by BushCo will not ultimately go unnoticed by the masses. Denial does eventually end in defeat and as you said here, "...it is now time to practice truth and being in the present. This comes through a fearless look at the truth of our own nature and being and the discipline to keep looking. From that fundamental stance strength both personal and collective will emerge and society will change dramatically and easily like a cool wind off the Ocean after a scorching summer day."
The truth will set us all free.
First off, I love the idea that hope may spring a turtle. It reminds me of the bumper sticker; what if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about?
But seriously, I enjoy your representations of truth, thank-you.
The last paragraph is a nice pick-me-up after the earlier disturbing imagery. We do so need to become disturbed.
Hey Christopher, just stopped in after you posted a comment at my LV blog.
This particular essay offers some great insights from the inside, but I regret that most people will dismiss your perspective (as mine has been similarly dismissed) because it stands too starkly in contrast to the fiction they have been raised to believe, and which they do NOT struggle to question, validate or otherwise test against reality, facts, logic and reason.
Unlike hopespringsaturtle, I seriously doubt that most Americans will wake up in the last days of the Bush-Cheney Crime Syndicate. Such a perspective reflects only half the truth. Sure, people are waking up to Dubya Bush's administration being bad for America in some ways, but if people really saw the Bush-Cheney Crime Syndicate for what it was, they would be appalled, struck by disbelief, and perhaps even would enter a state of apoplexy and neo-autism in order to try to cope with the fact that reality is diametrically opposite what they thought it to be.
Most people don't like it when reality seems to be something they didn't expect--so most people will construct whatever illusion works for them. That is the way people are. There's nothing much we can do except become strong, serve others, and walk what we talk.
If I have learned anything from life it is that it is stunningly mysterious--anything can happen. I've also learned that the more empty and less egotistical and greedy I am the more things turn out well for me. I actually first learned that playing sports--I would just lose all ego about what was happening and I found myself in the right place at the right time without much effort. Of course, most of the time I struggled and thought too much but it happened enough to make me wonder. Later I found out there were paths to that state of consciousness.
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